Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hadley and Baby

Well this morning was a VERY rough morning for Hadley and I...
We were accepted into the daycare/preschool that G and I absolutely love that is across the street from my building downtown and Hadley had her 1st day this morning. We still have our Nanny until the end of the month but since we had to pay for the August spot at school we decided it would be nice to transition Hadley slowly into the childcare setting... She will go one day this week and 2 days a week for the rest of August, full time starting September 6th. G is still out of town working so it was just me braving the big drop off today and as I expected, it was AWFUL!!!! I got to stay for about 45 minutes this morning (they encourage that) and while I was there Hads was having a blast! She played with the other kids, toys, and had breakfast with the other kids! The teachers were so impressed, but I warned them to 'just wait' until I left the room! We gave hugs and then I got her playing with blocks while I snuck out... It took about 90 seconds for her to realize that I wasn't there and to become very upset. I told outside watching (she couldn't see me) and bawled like a baby as I watched them try and calm her down! It wasn't working so I asked the director to take her soother to her! She isn't typically allowed to have it except when sleeping, but whatever calmed her down at this point was FINE BY ME!!!! She took the soother and calmed down right away. I stayed for another 10 minutes or so and watched as they started the bubble machine and she someone content watching the bubbles and holding hands with one of the little boys.
I left reassured by the director that she would email me with an update later in the morning... She said Hadley is doing really well! She will cry for a minute and then find a new toy to play with, cry for a minute, then find someone to hold hands with (this REALLY comforts her) , so forth and so on. I will go check on her on my lunch break and hopefully things will just get better and better! I am sure that we will go through this every time for the next few weeks, but I am praying it gets easier for both of us!!!!
The teachers (yes, actual teachers) are fabulous and all of the kids seemed very well mannered and sweet! I love this place and hope that Hadley grows to love it. I know that it will really help her grow and develop!

As for baby... I am 21 Weeks today! Baby is growing and moving a lot more lately. Kicks are getting stronger and stronger and I am sure G will be able to feel them the next time we see him! I have a OB appointment on Friday and will update again then, but don't really expect anything that new, maybe a few stats!

Her are bump pics from today!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!!!

Jamie, Hadley, and Graham

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