Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hadley at 4 Months

Well my sweet pea is 4 months old (and a bit) and she is getting so big!
She is 13 1/2 pounds and 25 inches long! She is rolling over and laughing at everything! She has the cutest little giggle! Her Daddy can make here giggle so hard! I love watching the two of them together! Hadley has her 4 month shots on May 4th. Graham will be at work so I unfortunately be taking her by myself again. I am dreading it even more this time because she is bigger and more aware of whats going on. I dont want her to think I am being mean or doing something hurtful to her! I really hope she forgives me :( Its probably best Graham isnt going to be there... I dont think he could take it! We had an appointment to get Hadley's ear's peirced and Graham totally chickened out! He is such a weeny! hehe. He said that I can take her in August when I am here, so we will see then! 
We are still in OKC, but only for another week. I am so sad to go back to Canada but feel better about it knowing that me and Hads wil be back in August! Graham leaves tomorrow and we are going to miss him sooooooooo much! 10 days is going to feel like an eternity.
This week is the last week of my 5 week boot camp! It turned out to be really great! I missed a couple of times with everything going on with Hads but have been really impressed with myself! I am still not exactly where I want to be physically but I am getting there! I have lost all of my 'baby weight' and then some, but would really like to get back into wedding shape. Gaining inspiration from my friend Lauren I am going to start running! I mean really running! Considering I wil not be anywhere near a gym this summer, I figure it will be the best way to get into 'wedding shape' again. I downloaded an application to my ipod that will help coach me so please wish me luck!

That is all for now.... Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Below are a few pics from Hadley's 4 month pics

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One Year Ago today!

How things change in a year! A year ago today Graham and I got the best news of our lives... WE WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!! It was the best/scariest feeling ever! Hadley will be 4 months old tomorrow and we could not be more in love with her. She is such a blessing in our lives.
She is 13.3 pounds and 25.25 inches long. She is eating about 24-26 ounces a day. She gets 2 ounces of formula and the rest breast milk... YES, I am STILL pumping! haha. I keep saying that I am going to quit because I am so sick of it but I havent just yet! If I can do it for 2 more months I am pretty sure I should get a supermom award! haha. ;) Hadley rolled over for the first time last Sunday, but has yet to do it again! She loves to cuddle when she is sleepy, which I love! The rest of the time she has to be able to see everything! She is so social :) She loves to be held, but is happy playing on her mat on the floor as well. She loves pretty much everyone, but I love that she has 'Mommy Moments'. This is when I am the only one she wants. :)

We did have a scary last couple of days...
I week ago Saturday we found a lump on Hadley's shoulder... After multple doctor's visits, an ultrasound, and meeting with a pediatric specialist, they have diagnosed it as a Vascular Hemangioa Mass which is a:

 'Infantile hemangiomas are benign vascular neoplasms that have a characteristic clinical course marked by early proliferation and followed by spontaneous involution. During the proliferative phase in the neonatal period or early infancy, a rapidly dividing endothelial cell proliferation is responsible for the enlargement of infantile hemangiomas. Finally, an involutional phase occurs, whereby most infantile hemangiomas are clinically resolved by age 9 years.'

Hers is different because it is under the skin where most are on the surface, big and red, hers looks like a bruise. The specialist said that it could stay the size it is now (4CM) or could grow to the size of a grapefruit! We are hoping a praying that it stays this size or smaller. There is nothing medically doctors can do for it. WE will just watch it over the next couple of years to make sure that it is not impeding on blood flow or breathing.
We love her so much and ask for your prayers for her over the next couple of years.

We are heading back to Calgary on May 3rd :( OKC has been so amazing and I am NOT ready to go back to Calgary! We will be spending the summer in Sasky so we are just praying for GREAT weather!!! :)

Well that is all for now. Have a great weekend everyone

Jamie, Hadley, &; Graham

Sunday, April 11, 2010

OKC so far

Well we have been home for 3 weeks (tomorrow) now and we are having a blast! I cant believe so much time has already passed, it seems like we just got here! Hadley has been having so much fun getting to know so many new people!
Last week we went to Arkansas to see my Mom and some friends and had a great visit! We wish we could have stayed longer, but had to get back to a busy, busy weekend! Saturday morning we had family pics/ Hadley's 4 month old pics done! The photographer said that Hads was the BEST baby she had ever shot!!! She was such a good girl being passed around and posed and million different ways! I cant wait to see how they turn out and will post some as soon as they do. We then went to my brother's baseball game! He did such a great job! I cant believe how grown up he is... and such a great little ball player!
Sunday morning we had my little sweet pea's dedication at church! Once again she was amazing! Pretty sure she was born for the stage! ;) Afterwards we all when out to lunch and a great time with family.

Hadley also rolled over for the first time today! I cant believe how big and strong she is! She amazes with something new every day. We have a doctor's appointment in the morning for a 'bump' on her shoulder that doesnt seem to want to go away so please say a little prayer for her. We are sure its nothing but are still going to get it looked at.

We still have a couple of weeks left here in OKC so I will keep you posted on our trip!


A few from the dedication...

Pastor Wayne and Sue