Sunday, August 19, 2012

8 months?

Blue Eyed Beauty

Love my Mum Mum Crakers

I melt :)
8 months? Really? Cant believe our sweet Ivy Mae is 8 months old already (yesterday)!

Ivy Mae you are such a blessing in our lives! You bring us joy every second of the day! Mommy, Daddy, and Hadley love you so much.

At 8 months you are:

Laughing and giggling constantly
Babbling like crazy
You have you two bottom teeth that you got at 6 months but there is a top tooth peeking through and I suspect will be out any day
Still sleeping through the night
You always start off in your own crib but most nights that Daddy is away you find your way into my bed for cuddles :) not sure if thats for your benefit or mine ;)
You're still nursing 3 times a day but may be losing interest?
Eating 2 solid meals a day, with a yogurt snack at bed time
You started crawling a week or 10 days ago. You do a funny little one footed army crawl most of the time
You are biting everything and everyone, no thanks to the teething
You are back to HATING your carseat so we keep our time in he car as short as possible
You still LOVE your baths and really love it when Hads joins you
Still very attached to Mommy but we are working on it
Weighing in at just Over 16 pounds! I can't remember your length but it was 75%
Between a size 2 and size 3 diaper. A 3 defiantly fits you better so once our stock of 2's are gone we will be buying 3's

Happy 8 Months Ivy Mae!
I can't imagine my life for one second without you

Love Mommy and Daddy