Friday, March 2, 2012

Back to Blogging...

So its been 2 months since my last post!
I cant believe how hard it is these days to actually sit down and write a post. Mostly because if I do have time to sit down and I am not holding a 2 year old or a 2 month old, I am probably sleeping! I am not complaining because I am so in love with these 2 little girls, but it is BUSY!

I am going to break these up in a couple of posts...

Lately and Hadley:

Hadley has been so great since Ivy was born. To be honest I was terrified of how she was going to react to sharing Mommy and Daddy, but it was for nothing! She has never shown an ounce of jealousy and love, love, loves her little sister. She is constantly wanting to hug or kiss her and wants to help with everything. I love seeing them together and am excited to see them playing together one day.
We got back Sunday from a 9 day trip home to OKC. The trip was great, but too short. The girls traveled well and our only issue was Hadley sleeping. At home she is a GREAT sleeper! Our bedtime and nap time routine are similar... we get pjs on, have a bedtime snack, read books, brush our teeth, say our prayers, give hugs and kisses, lay her in her crib and say goodnight. She goes to bed on her own and has since September. Never fusses or cries, usually hear her talking to her elephant until she falls asleep :) Well in Oklahoma sleeping was a nightmare. She is a girl who loves routine and familiarity... No crib, not her room, equaled screaming bloody murder every time we left a room while trying to get her to sleep. This meant she didn't always get a nap (because we gave up) and Graham slept with her every night. Ok, it was 9 days and we survived. We got home on Sunday and she is STILL not going to bed on her own. We have gone back in time and are battling her crying at nap time and bedtime. I hate it so much! Even though we only let her cry for 2,3, 5 minutes at a time its the longest 2,3,5 minutes of my life! To make it worse she now has pink eye in both eyes!!!! I LOVE our daycare (2 days a week) but HATE the sicknesses that spread around with kids. Seriously, 1 day back and she gets pink eye???? She wont let us put the drops in her eye (I dont blame her) so we physically have to hold her down while screaming to get them in her eyes... Poor little girl has had a rough week, and Mom and Dad aren't loving it either! We are heading to Saskatoon on Monday to see G's family so we will see how the sleeping goes there? Praying better since G wont be there until Friday.... 
Hadley at 2 years, 2 months:
She is talking lots, loves being outside, still loves her puppies, weighing in at 30 pounds, wearing 2T's in clothes, and 5-7 in shoes depending on the brand. Favorite food is cereal-mini-wheat's (yuck), her Daddy is her hero, and she loves saying hello to anyone who calls these days and swimming is probably her favorite thing to do.  Funny moment was every plane we boarded last week she walked down the isle, stopping at every seat to say hello to the other passengers (she was a hit)!

Hadley and Great - Grandpa... Best buddies!

Having some dinner with friends.

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