Sunday, January 2, 2011

So behind!!!

So I am pretty much the worst blogger EVER!!!!
In my defense though, I haven't really been in Calgary that much in the last 2 months!
I have been so been blessed to be able to spend a lot of time in OKC in the last couple of months! Its so nice being home and seeing friends and family! Its crazy how much everything changes from one visit to the next!

So what has been going on with us....
 First was Hadley's Birthday! I know everyone says this, but 'Where has the time gone'? My little sweet pea is officially a toddler! Seems like just yesterday the doctor was placing her in my arms! We love watching her grow and learn new things everyday, but honestly would love to keep her his age/size forever! She is so awesome!

She is roughly 21 pounds, and 30 or so inches tall! She is in all 12-18 month clothes and size 3/4 shoes!
She eats pretty much anything you much in front of here! She is such a great eater!
She is walking so well now! Still faster crawler, but is really getting around walking. She babbles A LOT, but the only words we can make out are Mama and 'Up'!

Graham finished his first semester and did AMAZINGLY! He finished with STRAIGHT A's and 1 B!!! We are so proud of him! 3 More semester and then he is finished and we can get back to a somewhat normal life! 

Well I will save some for the end of the week!
Here are a few pics from Hadley's birthday party (in Calgary)!

Birth-12 Months!

1 comment:

  1. Her outfit was adorable... and I LOVED your birth to one year in pictures on the walls.
    We had a great time seeing you guys, and I had a blast taking pics of Hads! :) She is the cutest thing ever!!!
    Hope to see you guys again soon.
