Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Diaper Rash is Controlling my life

Diaper Rash is the worst thing I think I have ever encountered!!!
Hadley has been battling diaper rash (off and on) for the last 6 weeks!!! Before that she had it right after she was born but never since then!!! I feel so bad for her! We have done absolutely everything to cure it! The doctor says its just a part of teething, but OMG, she is going to get 20 teeth over the next two years??? Is her little bum going to be in misery for 2 years? We have been to the doctor several times and through 2 prescription creams... The second works for a couple of days at a time and then its back! We are only using wash clothes, not wipes... We change her at least every 2 hours, sometimes more! She screams every time she pees, or poops and is hysterical when we lay her down to change her because she knows what is coming! I feel so helpless! WHAT DO I DO!!!! If you were wondering, this occurs in the night as well!!! Good bye my great sleeper! And I am sorry but I will not let my child 'cry it out' when I know she is in pain!!!! After I change her, sometimes multiple times in the night, she goes right back to sleep, so I know that its just the burning on her bum!
Again! What do I do???

1 comment:

  1. Oh James - I have been there! Diaper rash is horrible. Paige went through the same thing where she would scream when we would even approach the changing table : ( Broke my heart.

    We did "naked time" every day when going through these phases. Luckily it was summer, so we just got her naked and went and sat outside and let her walk around. It helps to air it out. It is hard to heal a rash with a diaper on it.

    Since it is cold there, I would just get her naked and let her hang out on a tile floor (so if there are accidents it is easy to clean up!). Or put her in the bathtub with all her toys (but no water) and let her play for an hour or so a day.

    Any time without a diaper on it is helping it heal.

    And I know that they say powder isn't that great...but powder helped with our really bad rashes. I would do naked time for an hour or more, then put a ton of powder in her diaper and on her bum with no cream.

    Good luck!! Diaper rashes are NO fun!
