Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9 Months (a little late)

My sweet pea was 9 months old on the 16th! Hard to believe... She is becoming such a 'little person'!
She makes us laugh EVERYDAY, multiple times a day. She has such a great personality! Always happy and always aiming to please. She loves it when she makes you laugh and will repeat whatever she is doing to make you laugh, over and over again when she realizes you are laughing at her. She loves to clap, she loves to shake her head 'no', she loves to stand up, pull up on everything including the dogs!
We went to get my MMR shot the other day so I weighed her while I was there and she is tipping the scales at 19 pounds! She is so tall you would never guess she ways that much. All of her pants are 12M and most tops are still 6-12M!

We have been so crazy busy with Graham starting school and hockey! He leaves the house at 7:30 and gets home around 7:30 (3-4 days a week)! Games start next week so we will also be losing him on Friday/Saturday nights!!!! It sucks so bad, but we know that it has to be done right now. It is defiantly a means to an end. It will be like that for the next 5 months and then it will slow down a little once hockey is over! We will be so ready for April 29th to get here.

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful week!

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