Friday, February 26, 2010

10 weeks, 2 days

Hi everyone!
Well we are back in Calgary! Its so nice to be back in our house, and have my bed! :)
Graham is only here until Tuesday (which sucks) but al least we get a few days together... Hadley is going soooo great! She is growing like crazy! We had here weighed and measured yesterday and she is 11 pounds, 8 ounces and 23 3/4 inches long! She laughs and smiles constantly! She is a great eater and sleeper (thank goodness)! :) She has been sleeping in her crib for 2 days now and is doing great! She slept last night from 9:30 - 8:00 am!!! That is the latest she has slept and of course it was the morning that I had to pick up my sister at the airport at 5 am!!! haha! Oh well, I am use to being up early by now...
Speaking of... SHANNON is here! Hadley is loving her Aunt Shannon! And I am pretty sure Shannon is loving Hadley! :)

Graham and I are loving being parents! We LOVE Hads so much! We are so blessed.
Graham is still working in Saskatchewan. He hates it but it great money for the time being. We have been out there with him for the last few weeks which is hard because there was NOTHING to do and its so cold out there. Me and Hads are here (Calgary) for 2 weeks and have a few doctors appointments. Hadley has her first set of shots on Friday and I am so dreading it. I know she has to have them but I DO NOT want to be there. On the 12th we are heading back to see G for a couple of weeks and THEN OKLAHOMA!!!!

We cant wait to see everyone in OKC!


  1. James - are you going to be in OKC on the 17th of April? If so, I need your address to send you an invite to Paige's birthday party!!

  2. Cant wait to see you guys and meet sweet Miss Hadley! I love all her newborn pics... they are adorable!!
