Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ivy Mae - 18 Months...

Say it "aint" so! My baby is 18 months old today!!!!

Ivy Mae,

You are such a sweet, beautiful little girl! You have such a big heart and the attitude to match it ;) You are a take charge kind of girl. You know what you want and you usually get it. You still think your big sister has hung the moon and want to do everything that she is doing or does. You are still a Mommy's girl but think your Daddy is pretty awesome and LOVE to follow him around the yard "helping" anyway you can. You have warmed back up to dogs and cats but all other animals still scare you to death! We just went to Oklahoma for a month, and while you loved seeing everyone, you think your Great Grandpa is pretty cool! Pretty much everyday that he came home for work you would run for him!
I still get comments daily on how amazing your eyes are and how pretty you are! You love to give hugs and kisses, and you have the cutest 'pout' I have every seen! You have lots of words but your favorite is NOOOOOO! You say it often, even when you dont mean it ;) You are so sassy and your Daddy and I have loved watching you come into your personality.
Thank you for being such a loving little girl! We feel so blessed to be your parents!


24.42 Pounds
31.5 Inches tall
18-24 Month clothes
4\5 Shoes

You love oatmeal and special K for breakfast, and will pretty much each anything, as long as you can feed yourself... You are very independent and HATE it when someone tries to feed you.
You are a water bug and will play in the water table for hours! You also love when the sprinklers come on so you can play in them, or taking a trip to the spray park! You.Are.FEARLESS!!!!

We love you so much baby girl! Happy 18 Months!!!!

Mommy and Daddy

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