Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weight Loss?

Those who know me will probably read that title and roll their eyes, but let me explain...

I know that I am a 'small girl'! I know that I have an insane metabolism and a small frame! I know that I am not fat, nor do I have a weight problem! However, after 2 babies I have some serious insecurities about my body. I am back to my pre pregnancy weight (maybe a pound or two less) but feel like my stomach has NOT come back like it did after Hadley. I 'feel' pudgy and "soft"! Whats worse is even though I HATE what I look like I have absolutely NO motivation to do anything about it. While we were in Calgary I was going to the gym and in boot camp 3 days a week for about a month! I worked my A** off for a solid month and honestly saw NO results! We have been in Saskatoon for 5 weeks and I have worked out maybe 3 times.... I am so tired at the end of the day and just feel like whats the point if I am not going to see any results??? Is this the way my skin/stomach is going to be forever?

We are heading to OKC for 7 weeks which means HEAT, HEAT, HEAT, therefore, swimsuit, swimsuit, swimsuit!!!! And I have girls weekend at the lake with some of the most beautiful girls in OK! I am so excited to spend time with my wonderful friends but not sure it will help with my self esteem :( Hopefully its all in my head (I know it is NOT), I get some motivation to do something about it (if I can), or everyone else I am around is magically blind! haha. JK about the blindness....

If anyone has any magic remedies for skin tightening getting those abs back, please pass them along.

Have a great weekend everyone...
Despite my insecurities I am so excited to get home!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just stand by me and my one piece at the lake. You will look anorexic!!!
