Sunday, February 10, 2013

Milestones and New Challenages!

She did it, she did it!!!

Ok, so Hadley has been potty trained since August, pee trained that is... We have had the on going battle with #2! She wouldn't go in her underwear but every time we put a pull up on her for nap time or bedtime she was going #2! Well I am happy to say we have had a solid week of going #2 on the potty! I have no idea what changed or why she decided that it was now time but almost 6 months after being pee trained she is officially POOP trained too!!! WOOOOOWHHHHOOOO! We are such proud parents! Now onto getting rid of pull ups at night! haha.

Next on the agenda was her soother! I honestly didnt see much problem with her having one until she was 20 if she wanted because she was only having the when she went to bed!!! However this started changing about a month ago... For some reason she started wanting it more and more! Every little owey turned into an absolute breakdown until she got her 'sue, sue'! It didnt matter where we were if she was upset about something she had to have it or we had to leave because of the huge temper tantrum that would insue...
The second reason we decided it have to be gone was she started chewing holes through them! 5 in the last 3 weeks! So we would have to throw it out and give her a new one... Well they are not cheap and my biggest fear was it was going to happen just before bedtime or during the night and I am sorry but I am NOT taking a 3 year old and a 1 year old out in the middle of the night to buy more soothers...
I knew that it was going to be hard on her (and me) but 3yrs, 2months was the time for her.
I talked about it for a few days telling her on Thursday the Sue, Sue fairy was going to come and take all the sue, sues away and give them to babies that need them. That she was a big girls and needed to help the babies. She was strangely welcoming to the idea and smiled and said "ok Mommy". On the big day we put her soother in a bucket and left it on the front porch for the Soother Fairy to take. The whole thing went way too smoothly! I actually started to think that all the Mom's that blogged out there about their success stories werent full of crap and this was going to be easy!!!! Well bed time came, we got our treat that the Fairy left us and she was still going ok. I put Ivy to bed, read to Hadley, tucked her in and closed the door... She was doing so great... for about 30 seconds and then the tears came, and came, and came! It was awful! I went in every 10 minutes or so and reassured her everything was ok, but the tears kept coming! After about an hour I went in and laid down with her until she feel asleep. She woke a couple of times during the night upset but went back to sleep pretty quickly. The second night was much better with this only lasted about 30 minutes, then last night was FAR WORSE with me almost caving! Today however she actually took a nap without her soother for the 1st time EVER! She cried (mostly whimpered) for about 5 minutes then went right to sleep! I am so proud of her and know that it was for the best... Who knows what tonight holds but I think she is turning a corner.
Leaving her soother

Seeing if it was still there

Found her treat and looking for the soother

Not happy the soother isnt there...

Ring pop and a note

Yummy sucker!

I have been quite shocked by some of the feedback I have gotten. Most positive and supportive, but some very negative telling me I should NOT  "do this to my child"! I feel that I am a great Mom and would NEVER do anything to harm my children in anyway!!! I know their wants and needs better than anyone on this planet so it surprises me when someone else thinks they know what is best for my children?!?!?!?!? Anyway, I appreciate all the support and know that everyone does not do things "my way" but I respect the people who believe in me as a Mom. I may not always do everything right but I always do them with the best intentions, and with my children's best interests in mind...

Off to a birthday party for Hadleys friend!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

13 (and a 1/2) Months

Ivy Mae went for her one year shots today (a little late per usual) and did so great!

At one year they get 3 different needles! It amazes me how strong these little ones are because I would be freaking out if I had to get 3 shots in one day!!! She did cry a little but was over it in about 30 seconds and just wanted to get down a run!


22 pounds - 50%
30 Inches - 75%
12-18 Month clothes
size 3/4 shoes (depending on the brand)

Eating everything in sight, drinking whole milk, done with bottles, still taking a soother, still backwards in a toddler seat (she loves looking at her sister), sleeping like a champ 12-13 hours a night and 2 naps a day.

We feel so blessed having 2 beautiful, healthy little girls!