Friday, October 26, 2012

1st Snow of the Year!

Ben (Hadley's cousin), Kaden & Presley (Hadley's Best Friends) and Hads!

Presley and Hads

Sliding Fun

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ivy Mae-10 Months

Miss Ivy Mae turned 10 months old yesterday!
Hard to believe how fast this little one is growing up :(

The last couple of weeks have been rough, but I think we are over the hump because the last couple of nights Ivy has been back to sleeping through the night! Praise.The.Lord! I am still not sure what caused the last two weeks of sleep deprevation, but I am praying that we are back on track for good! I think it was a combination of her having a bit of a cold, Daddy leaving for work, and the end of Nursing.

At 10 Months:

You have 6 teeth

In 6-12 Month clothes

Still very Hot natured - the girl can sweat!

Napping (short naps) 2ice a day

Loves her sister! I think you would follow Hadley to the ends of the earth

Crawls so fast and is standing by yourself all of the time. I am just waiting for you to take of walking any day.

Weighs 19 pounds!

Eating pretty much anything I put in front of you

3 bottles a day 14-16 ounces a day.

Still struggles in your seat on long trips but a MILLION times better in the city since we changed seats.

Says Mamamama all of the time and babbles lots

Ivy Mae we are so grateful to have you in our lives! You are such a little ray of sunshine. You look so much like your Daddy and unfortunately have my temper! We love hearing your giggles and watching you and your sister play together. You guys love each other so much!

Happy 10 Months sweet baby.

Mommy and Daddy

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sleep Deprived

Sleep deprived, why?
Because of this "Little Angel"? My sweet Ivy Mae has decided (after 7 months of being and amazing sleeper) that she no longer wants to sleep a full night! She much prefers the 8-12 or 1 then 2/3-8! Her witching hours are a solid 2 hours almost every night from midnight or one until 2 or 3 and then she will finally go back to sleep until morning! At first I thought it was teething and because G was out of town, didn't want to see my baby in pain, and frankly was too dang tired to rock her for hours on end, I just would bring her to bed with me... It was fine in the beginning but then she wasnt sleeping with me either! She would just roll around in bed, pull my hair, jibber jabber, laugh, crawl all over me, etc.. for a couple of hours and then fall back asleep! This lasted a week or so and I decided that I NEEDED sleep! She wasn't upset or in pain, just awake and this had become a very BAD habit! I tired rocking her, walking with her, laying in her in her crib and patting her back but nothing worked so I just left her in her crib! Now I am NOT a fan of the old crying it out method but honestly it was the last resort! We had to do it with Hadley one time and I had to turn on a movie and put in ear plugs because I couldn't take it! Thankfully with Hadley it only took 40 minutes and her Daddy was her to do it. Ivy Mae is a whole other story! This child is so strong willed I knew it would be a fight to the end and a major battle. 2 1/2 hours later of her crying, me going in every 5, 10, 15 minutes trying to calm her and sitting outside her door sobbing, she finally gave in and slept! I felt like the worst Mom ever but in the morning I got the biggest smiles ever and all was forgiven! We have only had one other bad night since then and it was because of teething. I knew she was hurting that night and we just cuddled on the couch until midnight and then she slept the rest of the night... That is until now... As I right this post at 1:40am we are going through the battle again.
Is this just a phase? Is there something else I should be doing? I am so tired and of course this is the middle of G's two weeks away! I don't have help at night or during the day, no husband for 2 weeks, and no nannies! Suggestions welcome.... I HATE to hear her cry but I need sleep to function for both girls during the day. Why cant these little ones each come with a specialized instruction guide?
My Precious girl

Off to bed I hope...

Sleep Deprived and Searching for answers...