Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bah Blog....

I seriously think about things I should blog about multiple times a day but every night I decide my bed sounds better than typing and I honestly cant remember what I wanted to blog about!

Updates on my girls....

Hadley has been 'potty trained' for 3-4 weeks now! It was a frustrating start, but just like everyone said it all of a sudden just clicked for her! It was AMAZING!!! She pees no problem and rarely has an accident, but going number 2 is a whole other story! She will HOLD it as long as she can (up to 3 days) and then go during the night with a diaper on? I really am not sure what to do other than just be patient and hope that it clicks soon? She is just afraid and I have no idea how to help her with that! Our other major dilemma is that is absolute petrified of public restrooms?????????????? I mean if I even walk toward one she starts screaming a holds on for dear life? The only thing I can figure is that it is the noise, but am I seriously going to have to drive around with a potty in the back of my car forever? I am taking any and all suggestions on both of these problems! ;)

We start gymnastics on Monday and Pre-school on Tuesday! Its going to be a VERY busy week for us. I am really hoping she adjusts well to her new school and loves her new teachers as much as she loved her teachers at her daycare in Calgary! She will be going T,H mornings from 9:15- 11:30! I am not going to know what to do with just one kiddo on those days!

Ivy Mae is growing like crazy! She is now pulling up on everything! She is so fast on all fours and is usually chasing Hads around the house! Ivy is participating in the Fall Baby Crawl this weekend! I am so excited about it. I will defiantly post pics asap! We went to meet our new doctor one Wednesday and learned Ivy has gained 2 pounds in the last month!! She is loving table foods and I still haven't found something she doesn't like! She was 18.5 pounds (with clothes on)!

Graham was just home for 2 weeks and it was great! The 2 weeks away are so hard, but the 2 weeks home (every single day) are amazing! We got so much accomplished around the house and it is really starting to feel like a home.

Sorry this was pretty boring, but like I said, never anything to say at the end of the day!!! haha. 

Sweet Ivy Mae

Sister love

Hadley helping Daddy shave

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