Friday, October 2, 2009

29 Weeks... Here come the waterworks???

So I/we are 29 weeks today! On the home stretch, so should be beyond happy right? People have asked me how the mood swings have been and to this point I have been so proud of myself!!! As far as I know ( others may disagree) I feel like I have breezed through this pregnancy (for the most part) without the ups and downs, crazy pregnant lady, and downright bitchiness, and other horror stories that you hear about with pregnancy!!! But, oh there is a but, the last two days have been a nightmare! I have been SOOOOO emotional, and have literally talked myself out of ripping peoples heads off for the smallest things? I get so mad, so fast? Its the strangest feeling because you know that you are being irrational (although telling me that, MAKES IT WORSE), but you cant stop yourself. And then I move on to the waterworks... Small example... Friday is jeans day at work, and because it is absolutely freezing outside I thought today would be a great day for uggs. Well after I had the fight to get my jeans on, it came time to get my shoes on... OH LORD HELP ME! As I twisted and turned, tried bending in certain directions, got furious, felt sick from the bending, finally got my pants tucked into my boots!!!! I then laid on my bed and cried for 10 minutes!!!!!!!!! Crazy right?

All that to say I made it to work on time, but started crying the second a girl commented on how cute my uggs were... I hate feeling like this! I hate feel like a crazy person! And I am getting so un-comfortable... I know that in the end it will all be worth it, but its miserable right now.

On a brighter side... 1 more week until OKLAHOMA!!! I am so excited to go home. Hopefully this new emotional, crazy thing is just a short term thing so that people actually want to be around me ;)

No pictures this week, but I did the quiz!

How far along: 29 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +20
Maternity clothes: A few tops- might have to get jeans!!!
Stretch marks: Nope :) Hope it stays that way
Sleep: Better, but still tossing and turning alot because my hips get so sore!
Best moment this week: 3D/4D Ultra sound. It was so much fun!

Movement: Still active! I love it!
Food cravings: Not really cravings... some days I feel like I could eat everything in sight, others I dont really have an appetite

Gender: Sweet Baby Girl
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out: Still playing peek-a-boo
What I miss: my back not hurting all of the time
What I am looking forward to: Graham will be home (for good) next Thursday

Weekly Wisdom: DONT trying tucking in your pants to boots alone... fashion isnt that important at this point ;)

Milestones: ? It will be a milestone if I can pick out a paint color! haha

Hope everyone has a great weekend... Sorry this wasnt a 'happier' post :(


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