Monday, July 11, 2011

The Kids!

I feel bad because I never blog about our first born Children, Addicus and Baxter so here are a few pics from the weekend!

Addicus will be 7 next week!!! Its hard to believe! I still remember driving home with my 4 Pound baby riding between my legs in the front seat of my Jetta! Love that girl!!!

Hadley with her brother and sister! They love each other so much! And Addicus is the 'protector' of this stroller when we are at the dog park!!! She wont let another dog remotely close to her little sister!

Baxter of course is my 'problem child'! We were on our way out of the dog park after a hour (that he stayed clean) and had to find the ONLY mud hole in the entire place!!! GRRR! I was not pleased! But as you can tell by the droll he was oh so proud of himself... That is until bath time! hahaha.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

16 Weeks- Munchkin :)

Hard to believe that I am already 16 weeks... that is until you see me! haha.

Not a whole lot to report on. I have a doctors appointment Friday and will hopefully get booked in for my ultrasound before OKC. Feeling great, sleeping ok, minus the peeing, and getting big!

Here is a bump pic... I am not sure if I should be offended or happy that the flash blurred my face out! haha.

Calgary Stampede starts this weekend, and Will and Kate will be here!!! This City is always crazy with Stampede  but I have a feeling it will be OUT OF CONTROL time around!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Weekend Fun in Saskatoon!

This past weekend Hadley I am flew out to Saskatoon (G was working) to spend the holiday weekend with G's family and our newest niece Emery Jean! The weekend was amazing! Weather was nice and Hadley loved playing with her cousins and best friends, Kaden & Presley, all weekend!
It was Canada day on July 1 and of course Independence day on the 4th! I am usually quite sad on the 4th because it makes me miss home so badly, but this one wasn't so bad because I know its my LAST one to miss!!!!!

Here are some pics from the weekend!

My little water bug!

She is such a happy girl!

Hadley and cousin Ben

Lexi, Ben, and Hadley

She knows how to relax!

Loves playing with Lexi

Hads and Presley!

She was LOVING the pool!

She kept rolling (floating) on her back and then laughing hysterically!

Hadley and all of her cousins!

Sweet Baby Emery! She is a doll. :)

I will update on baby 2 later!

Have a great day!!!